(270)-303-1524 mbakentucky@gmail.com


Committee Descriptions

The Budget Committee shall, in conjunction with the Executive Director, develop and present to the Board an annual budget no later than Dec 31, for adoption at the January quarterly meeting.

By-Laws and Policies:
The Bylaws and Policies committee shall conduct an annual review of the association Bylaws and Policies to ensure both mirror the actual governance and operation of the association, which shall be presented at the Annual Meeting. Additionally, this committee will suggest edits to current By-Laws and P&P, as appropriate, throughout their term.

The Communications Committee shall prepare a yearly marketing plan to facilitate the organization’s goal of being the leading voice for the mortgage financing industry in Kentucky. This Committee, along with the President and ED, is responsible for MBAKY website updates, eNewsletter content and distribution, and social media postings.

The Education Committee shall develop an annual educational plan to pursue educational offerings that are of value for all people in our industry.

The Ethics Committee shall develop a comprehensive program to promote the highest ethical and professional standards in the mortgage financing industry.

The Legislative Committee shall keep the membership informed of all relevant national, state and local proposals. The Legislative Committee shall develop a plan to support legislation that facilitates industry grow and prevent legislation that will ultimately harm the consumer and the industry. This Committee is also responsible for the planning and execution of an annual ‘Capitol Day’ (when appropriate) for members to meet with State Representatives. Also, as part of their updates to members, the committee should be responsible for articles in the eNewsletter.

The Membership/Networking Committee shall develop a comprehensive program to enhance and increase membership to produce increased membership in the association. Pro-active recruitment of members will be done in partnership with local chapters. This committee shall be comprised of membership chairs from each local chapter, MBAKY chapter, as well as those selected by MBAKY committee chair.

The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President and shall be composed of at least two additional past presidents, one at large director and one local association director. The Nominations Committee shall work throughout the year to solicit nominations for officers and directors, and shall submit nominations to the full Board at the July meeting.