(270)-303-1524 mbakentucky@gmail.com

MBAKY Future Leaders Class

This Future Leaders Program was designed to offer students unique insights into mortgage banking from the beginning of the process of marketing and pricing mortgage loans, through originating, processing, underwriting, closing, and servicing. Additional modules will cover the history of mortgage banking, how all the ‘pieces’ fit together, affordable housing, and will end up with a session on management, leadership and ethics.

This is accomplished through ten separate modules that are spread out over 3 full days if in-person, or 6 1/2 days if virtual, over three months, with graduation plus program plaques presented after the last class. There are also class projects that are related to the industry and/or the Association that are worked on and presented during the last session.

The instructors for this are all current Kentucky Mortgage Bankers members with experience and expertise in their area of training. We encourage students’ pro-active participation in this to enhance their experience, and look forward to providing them an opportunity to learn more about the industry they have chosen for a career!

Benefits of this class, beyond the valuable information received from the instructors, include networking with fellow industry professionals, and, recognition to all members of MBAKY after graduation

If you have any questions, please contact the MBAKY office via e-mail at mbakentucky@gmail.com, or call: 270-303-1524.

Below are the Fall 2023 Future Leaders class, along with their projects:

Future Leaders - Class of Fall 2023

Above is the Fall 2023 MBAKY Future Leaders class that graduated in November. In addition to the MBAKY President and trainer, Marla Guillaume, and trainers Sharon Decker and Gidgett Lehr, are the following in alphabetical order: 


  • Heather Akins, Stockton Mortgage
  • Tyra Anderson, Stockton Mortgage
  • Isaiah M. Ayala, Stockton Mortgage
  • Samantha Dawson, Republic Bank & Trust
  • Mitch Florence, Guaranteed Rate
  • Amanda Jeffries, Republic Bank & Trust
  • Krista McIver, Kentucky Housing Corporation
  • Jacob Miller, Stockton Mortgage
  • Kelsey Outlaw-Ayala, Stockton Mortgage
  • Julia Paskey, First Savings Bank
  • Chelsea Pierce, Edmonton State Bank
  • Shelby Rigdon, Edmonton State Bank
  • Bridgette Wingate, Central Bank


Mortgage Action Alliance (PDF)

Community Education (PDF)


Below are the Fall 2022 Future Leaders class, along with their projects:

Erin O'Donnell with First Savings Bank

Erin O’Donnell with First Savings Bank

Martin Luplow with The Commonwealth Group

Martin Luplow with The Commonwealth Group

Below are the Fall 2022 Future Leaders class, along with their projects: 

Group 1 (PDF)

Group 2 (PDF)

Group 3 (PDF)


Below are the Spring 2022 Future Leaders class, along with their projects:

Nicole Dick, First Financial Bank

Nicole Dick with First Financial Bank

Kay Searcy

Kay Smith with Kentucky Housing

Below are the Spring 2022 Future Leaders class, along with their projects: 

Group 1 5.11 (PDF)

Group 2 5.11 (PDF)

Group 3 5.11 (PDF)

Group 4 5.11 (PDF)


Below are the Fall 2021 Future Leaders class, along with their projects:

Abdul Muhammad with WesBanco

Abdul Muhammad with WesBanco

Daniel Baker with Edmonton State Bank

Daniel Baker with Edmonton State Bank

Denise Stucker with Kentucky Housing

Denise Stucker with Kentucky Housing

Ashli Matson

Ashli Matson with National MI



Group 1 12.15 (PDF)

Group 2 12.15 (PPT)

Group 3 12.15 (PPT)



Students and their class awards from the Spring 2021 class are pictured  below:

Students from the Spring 2021 Future Leaders class

Students from the Spring 2021 Future Leaders class from Citizens Union Bank, and their manager, Nathan Poole

Plaques awarded for the students for completing the course

Plaques awarded for the students for completing the course