(270)-303-1524 mbakentucky@gmail.com

Join Now

Mortgage Bankers Association of Kentucky There is an old saying “history never looks like history when you are living through it”. During good times or challenging times, periods of great development or times of economic uncertainty, we come to realize that mortgage bankers, banks, and others involved in the mortgage lending process need to work together to achieve common goals and protect our businesses. The value of belonging to the MBAKY is never more evident than at times of market turbulence. High interest rates, low interest rates, inflation, deflation, stagflation, over-building, under-building, tight credit, easy credit, no credit, credit crunches and, of course, long periods of prosperity. The MBAKY and its members have lived through it all. And, for all the current history that we are living through, combined with all that we have learned from our past, the MBAKY and its members have always emerged stronger, smarter, more resilient and better together. Remember, members do business with members. Join us today!


What Does Membership Cost?

At-Large Corporate Member: $500 annually (plus a one-time $25 initiation fee) At-Large Associate Member: $500 annually (plus a one-time $25 initiation fee)

Dues are billed annually at the beginning of the year. New members dues are pro-rated depending on the month of initiation. Please fill out the Membership Application and return it to:

For more information or additional questions, you can also contact the MBAKY office below at:
Office: 270-303-1524
Email: mbakentucky@gmail.com